travel behavior meaning in Chinese
- This idea must be included in the analytical process , or the influences to individuals ' decisions and travel behavior due to time - space constraints could not be accounted for and could not support effective policy analysis when activity patterns change
若政策分析过程中未纳入此重要观念,则一旦时空限制条件有所变化时,交通/活动行为相对改变的关系即无从得知,故亦无法有效地支援政策的拟定与实施。 - Dr lawrence frank is the bombardier chair in sustainable urban transportation systems , school of community and regional planning , the university of british columbia , canada . he specialises in the interaction between land use , travel behavior , air quality , and public health
Dr lawrence frank现为加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学社区及区域计划学院school of community and regional planning的持续都市交通系统的讲座教授,专研土地用途搭乘行为,空气质素及公共健康。